Annual Fire Safety Testing

Annual fire safety assessments for your safety & protection

Our fire safety tests ensure your essential fire safety measures are functioning correctly and can effectively perform to AS1851 standards.

Testing and maintenance of essential services such as fire dampers and ventilation systems are a legal requirement to meet Australian fire safety standards.

We perform a range of inspections and testing for essential services including fire safety testing, air conditioning tests, fire damper installations, fire damper inspection reports and fire damper certifications to ensure your protection and safety.

Book an inspection of your fire protection systems

Our AFSS testing services

Helping you meet your essential safety obligations

We work with you to ensure that your fire and smoke control systems meet code and operate at maximum efficiency to safeguard your property and the people inside.

Our team of skilled technicians conduct thorough testing is validate your systems. In the event of any faults or issues, we offer immediate repair services to get your systems back up and running.

We test the following critical systems: